On the left you can see the coloured disk, centre is a cross section to show the sensor and wheel, and right shows the actual square wave signal coming out as I spin the wheel. For more info on the basic setup, see my last post (More Sensors).
Now it's time for something more interesting. My next goal is to be able to identify whether the motor is going forwards or backwards. With just 1 sensor this isn't possible, as I just get a binary value back. However it occurred to me that using 2 out-of-phase waves I'll be able to work out which way the wheel is turning. My original idea was to have a disk with 2 waves on, and have 2 sensors - one for each wave. You can see this disk on the right hand side below:
![]() |
3 potential wheel disks - single wave low res (left), single wave high res (centre), dual wave (right) |
This diagram shows how I'll mount the sensors to be 'out of phase' with the wave represented by the black/white stripes on the disk:
![]() |
2 sensors for quadrature encoder mounted out of phase with the pattern on the disk |
![]() |
Wave's generated from each sensor by the turning wheel |
- The wheel can turn left (red line moves towards green dashed line). When the red line hits the green line, a change in wave 1 is detected (goes from low to high), and wave 2 is high
- The wheel can turn right (red line moves towards blue dashed line). When the red line hits the blue line, a change in wave 1 is detected (goes from low to high), and wave 2 is low
Next step, build something. To start, I solder cables to 4 sensors (2 for each wheel):
![]() |
2 sensors mounted on wood (right), my awesome soldering (left) |
That's step 1 done - I can take readings from 2 sensors in front of a wheel. Next up, I connect it to an Arduino - initially just into analogue inputs 1 and 2:
![]() |
Sensors connected to analog inputs on Arduino |
int left_buff[256];
int buff_pos = 0;
void loop()
left_buff[buff_pos] = analogRead(1);
if(buff_pos >= 256)
for(int i = 0; i < buff_pos; i++)
buff_pos = 0;
This is basically reading values from the left sensor every 5ms (significantly less than 1/4 of a wave length at 360rpm) into a buffer. When the buffer fills, it gets dumped to the serial monitor and the process begins again. The resulting output isn't very pretty:
... and lots more!...
But what happens if we plonk it into excel and draw a graph?
![]() |
Output from Arduino when reading a sensor as the wheel slows down |
void loop()
int new_left_state = analogRead(1) > 100 ? 1 : 0;
int new_right_state = analogRead(2) > 100 ? 1 : 0;
Now I'm reading the wave constantly, with no delays whatsoever. I couldn't output to serial fast enough to display these readings, however what I can do is output digital results to the digital pins, and monitor the output with an oscilloscope:
![]() |
Square wave coming out of digital pin, generated by Arduino reading sensors |
The Arduino is reading sensor data now, and I've proved it works with the short program above. However this code (and anything that used it) needs to be updating constantly so it can detect changes in sensor output as soon as they occur. This won't fit into any useful program, so I need to switch the code to use interrupts. This is an event triggered by the hardware that interupts whatever is happening and runs some code.
Unfortunately interupts on the Arduino are only available for digital IO, so the first problem is how to convert the analog output from the sensors into a digital input for the Arduino. After worrying about this for a while, I just plug the sensors directly into the digital IO. Fortunately enough the range coming from the analog sensor is wide enough to cross the digital IO reference voltage so I get a nice solid square wave coming out straight away. Now some modifications to code to use interupts instead of constant polling.
//PIN Definitions
#define PIN_IRLEFT 2
#define PIN_IRRIGHT 3
#define PIN_OUTLEFT 4
#define PIN_OUTRIGHT 5
void leftChange()
void rightChange()
unsigned long last_print = 0;
void setup()
//init pins
//init serial port for debugging and print message
attachInterrupt(0, leftChange, CHANGE);
attachInterrupt(1, rightChange, CHANGE);
As you can see here, there's no actual need for an loop function at all. I attach the interrupt 0 (which is on pin 2) to leftChange, and interrupt 1 (which is on pin 3) to rightChange. When an interupt is triggered I read the corresponding pin and output it's value just as with the earlier example. Once again, the oscilllosope shows me a square wave - things are working!
Now to get some useful data out (with the help of this tutorial by OddBot). The main thing he points out is how to convert the encoder signal into a direction. I end up with this code which is based off his examples:
byte current_encoder = 0;
int QEM [16] = {0,-1,1,2,1,0,2,-1,-1,2,0,1,2,1,-1,0};
long encoder_pos = 0;
byte readEncoder()
byte left = digitalRead(PIN_IRLEFT);
byte right = digitalRead(PIN_IRRIGHT);
return left | (right << 1);
void updateEncoder()
byte new_encoder = readEncoder();
int dir = QEM[current_encoder*4+new_encoder];
encoder_pos += dir;
current_encoder = new_encoder;
I'm doing 3 things here:
- Reading a number from 0 to 3 to indicate the 2 bit encoder value (1 bit per sensor)
- Using the QEM (quadrature encoder matrix) lookup table to convert a previous+current encoder value into a direction
- Incrementing or decrementing the current encoder position based on direction
In other words, each time the interupt is triggered, I either increment or decrement the current encoder position.
Next up, I add my loop function as follows:
void loop()
long new_time = millis();
long new_encoder_pos = encoder_pos;
long pos_delta = new_encoder_pos - last_encoder_pos;
long time_delta = new_time-last_time;
last_time = new_time;
last_encoder_pos = new_encoder_pos;
long rpm = ((pos_delta * 60000) / time_delta)/32;
This is basically taking a change in encoder position and the time passed to work out the speed the wheel is turning. Just pos_delta / time_delta would give me stripes-per-millisecond which isn't too useful, but multiply it by 60000 (milliseconds -> minutes), and divide by 32 (number of interrupts per revolution) and you get rpm! And surprise surprise, if I print out the rpm and graph it in excel:
![]() |
RPM graph coming from Arduino |
Well, that's it for now. I have a quadrature encoder built. Next up - fit the disk and sensors to MmBot. Once that's done I can take the rpm of each wheel and use it to work out the the actual velocity of the robot at the point the wheel is touching the ground, eventually giving me the ability to reliably say 'go forwards 5m', or 'turn 90 degrees'.
Quick question, what type of IR sensor did you use? I am currently using the QR1113 digital breakout board. Are you using the analog ones so you just get a low and a high?
ReplyDeleteAny chance you can post your final code? I'm having trouble following when you call your interrupt functions.