Saturday 26 October 2013

An Efficient And Simple C++ API for the Rasperry Pi Camera Module

For the past few days I've been messing around with my new raspberry pi camera modules (see earlier blog posts for excessive details) and part of that has involved putting together a nice and easy to use api to access the camera in c++ and read its frames. This post is a guide to installation, an overview of the very simple api and a description of the sample application.

One word of caution - as with any tinkering there is always a chance something will go wrong and result in a dead pi. If this worries you, back up first. I didn't bother, but I didn't have anything on there I was worried about losing!


Make sure you're on a recent Raspberry Pi build, and have a working Camera!

I'm assuming at this point you've got a camera module and it's working. If you've not set it up yet you may need to update your raspberry pi (depends when you bought it). I won't go over this process as it's been described 100 times already, but here's a link to get you going just in case:

Once all is up and running type:

raspivid -t 10000

That should show you the raspberry pi video feed on screen for 10 seconds.

Get CMake

If you haven't already got it, you'll need cmake for building just about anything:

sudo apt-get install cmake

Download and install the latest 'userland-master'

This is the bit of the raspberry pi OS that contains the code for the camera applications and the various libraries they use. At time of writing it isn't supplied as part of the install, so you need to download, build and install it manually. To do so:

Download the latest from here

Unzip it into your /opt/vc directory. You should now have a folder called /opt/vc/userland-master with various folders in it such as "host_applications" and "interfaces".

Change to the /opt/vc/userland-master folder, then build it with the following commands:

sudo mkdir build
cd build
sudo cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..

sudo make install

Test everything worked by running raspivid again. You may see some different messages pop up (I got some harmless errors probably due to the build being so recent), but the crucial thing is that you still get the video feed on screen.

Download and build the PiCam API/Samples

The api and samples can all be downloaded here:

Extract them into a folder in your home directory called 'picamdemo'. You should have a few cpp files in there, plus a make file and some shaders. 

Change to the folder and build the application with:

cmake .

Then run the sample with


If all goes well you should see some text like this:
Compiled vertex shader simplevertshader.glsl:
<some shader code here>

Compiled fragment shader simplefragshader.glsl:
<some shader code here>

mmal: mmal_vc_port_parameter_set: failed to set port parameter 64:0:ENOSYS
mmal: Function not implemented
Init camera output with 512/512
Creating pool with 3 buffers of size 1048576
Init camera output with 256/256
Creating pool with 3 buffers of size 262144
Init camera output with 128/128
Creating pool with 3 buffers of size 65536
Init camera output with 64/64
Creating pool with 3 buffers of size 16384
Camera successfully created
Running frame loop

And your tv should start flicking between various resolutions of the camera feed like this:

(Edit - I've had some reports of the blogger you-tube link not working. You can see the full video here on proper you tube: The API (and what it does!)

PiCam is designed to be very simple but also useful for image processing algorithms. Right now it lets you:
  • Start up the camera with a given width, height and frame rate
  • Specify a number of 'levels'. More on that later.
  • Choose whether to automatically convert the camera feed to RGBA format
Basic Initialisation

All this is done just by calling StartCamera and passing in the right parameters. It returns a pointer to a CCamera object as follows:

CCamera* mycamera = StartCamera(512,512,30,1,true);

That's a 512x512 image at 30hz, with 1 level and rgba conversion enabled.


Once started you can extract frames from the camera by calling ReadFrame and passing in a buffer:

char mybuffer[512*512*4]

ReadFrame will return the number of bytes actually read, or -1 if there was an error. An error occurs either when there is no data available or your buffer is not large enough.

In addition to ReadFrame there are 2 functions: BeginReadFrame and EndReadFrame. These slightly more advanced versions are shown in the demo, and allow you to be more efficient by locking the actual camera buffer, using it, then releasing it. Internally ReadFrame is implemented using these functions.

Shutting down

Once done, call 'StopCamera'


In image processing it is often useful to have your data provided at different resolutions. Expensive operations need to be performed on low res images to run at a good frame rate, but you may still want higher res versions around for other operations or even just showing on screen. The PiCam api will do this for you automatically (for up to 3 additional levels). If we modify the StartCamera call to this:

CCamera* mycamera = StartCamera(512,512,30,4,true);

The system will automatically generate the main image plus an additional 3 down-sampled ones (at half res, quarter res and 1/8th res). These are then accessed by specifying a level other than 0 in the call to ReadFrame (or BeginReadFrame):

mycamera->ReadFrame(0,mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer)); //get full res frame
mycamera->ReadFrame(1,mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer)); //get half res frame
mycamera->ReadFrame(2,mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer)); //get quarter res frame
mycamera->ReadFrame(3,mybuffer,sizeof(mybuffer)); //get 1/8th res frame

RGBA Conversions

For most purposes you'll want the data in a nice friendly RGBA format, however if you actually want the raw YUV data feed from the camera, specify false as the last parameter to StartCamera and no conversions will be done for you.

The demo application

The picamdemo application consists of the core camera code as these files:
  • camera.h/camera.cpp
  • cameracontrol.h/cameracontrol.cpp
  • mmalincludes.h
A very simple opengl graphics api (which you are welcome to use/modify/change in any way you please):
  • graphics.h/graphics.cpp
And the main demo app itself:
  • picam.cpp
Which looks like this:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "camera.h"
#include "graphics.h"



//entry point
int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    //should the camera convert frame data from yuv to argb automatically?
    bool do_argb_conversion = true;

    //how many detail levels (1 = just the capture res, >1 goes down by halves, 4 max)
    int num_levels = 4;

    //init graphics and the camera
    CCamera* cam = StartCamera(MAIN_TEXTURE_WIDTH, MAIN_TEXTURE_HEIGHT,30,num_levels,do_argb_conversion);

    //create 4 textures of decreasing size
    GfxTexture textures[4];
    for(int texidx = 0; texidx < num_levels; texidx++)
        textures[texidx].Create(MAIN_TEXTURE_WIDTH >> texidx, MAIN_TEXTURE_HEIGHT >> texidx);

    printf("Running frame loop\n");
    for(int i = 0; i < 3000; i++)
        //pick a level to read based on current frame (flicking through them every 30 frames)
        int texidx = (i / 30)%num_levels;

        //lock the chosen buffer, and copy it directly into the corresponding texture
        const void* frame_data; int frame_sz;
                //if doing argb conversion just copy data directly
                //if not converting argb the data will be the wrong size so copy it in
                //via a temporary buffer just so we can observe something happening!

        //begin frame, draw the texture then end frame (the bit of maths just fits the image to the screen while maintaining aspect ratio)
        float aspect_ratio = float(MAIN_TEXTURE_WIDTH)/float(MAIN_TEXTURE_HEIGHT);
        float screen_aspect_ratio = 1280.f/720.f;


That's the full code for exploiting all the features of the api. It is designed to loop through each detail level and render them in turn. At the top of the main function you will find a couple of variables to enable argb or change level count, and higher up you can see the frame size settings.

Questions? Problems? Comments?

I'm happy to answer any questions, hear any comments, and if you hit issues I'd like to fix them. Either comment on this blog or email me ( with a sensible subject like 'pi cam problem' (so it doesn't go into the junk mail box!).

p.s. right at the end, here's a tiny shameless advert for my new venture - If you like my writing, check out the dev blog for regular updates on my first proper indie title!



    video does not play form me in blog or on youtube???

    tried recent chrome and firefox

  2. Curious - the link works for me. Can you see it here:

  3. Or here:

  4. Followed instructions, but the make failed as follows:

    [ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/picam.cpp.o
    In file included from /opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/vcos_assert.h:149:0,
    from /opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/vcos.h:114,
    from /opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/vc_dispmanx.h:33,
    from /opt/vc/include/bcm_host.h:46,
    from /home/pi/picamdemo/mmalincludes.h:9,
    from /home/pi/picamdemo/camera.h:3,
    from /home/pi/picamdemo/picam.cpp:3:
    /opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/vcos_types.h:38:33: fatal error: vcos_platform_types.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/picam.cpp.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2

    1. Nevermind- problem was my /opt/vc/userland should have been named /opt/vc/userland-master.

  5. Yup that's the one. For anyone else hitting the issue, the alternative to changing the folder name is to change the references to userland-master in CMakeLists.txt to point to your own folder.

  6. Nice. How and where could I start adding OpenCV functions to do processing on a single still picture?

  7. Hi there

    I was planning on releasing a new, better and faster version of the api along with some better samples and an example of hooking it up to opencv. This'll show an actual program using it that can be copied, so if you can wait till the end of the week it'll be detailed in full. In the meantime, you could piece it together from this web site:

    It is referring to getting it working with the raspivid/raspistill, which you can largely ignore. However step4 of that guide details how to install opencv, link it into an application and convert a block of memory into a usable opencv matrix. You would need to adapat that step to read the data from my camera api (returned in BeginReadFrame) and copy that into an opencv matrix.

    If you can hold off for a few days, my updated api and samples should be up by the end of the week.

    1. Thanks so much, that will be really helpful. I did initially use the link you provided but the coding is done in C, and I had many issues relating it to my C++ processing code. I am using the Pi and Pi Camera for a project and my deadlines are coming up :( I have a good idea how to use opencv to process an image (I could use the same steps provided from the other link which creates a matrix and stores the camera buffer therein). I am currently working on it, if you would be soo kind as to give me a little head start, could you please tell me which file/files I edit such that it simply takes one picture (not video) that i can use to process. Another thing, the above code displays an upside down picture, how can I fix that? Thank you in advance!

    2. Ok - well what I'll do is get on with the polishing off this next api. Send me your email (I'm at and I'll send over an early version of the code when its done, before I try and do the full write up. Should be either today or tomorrow.

    3. hi,I have the same question with opencv in c++.And I have sent you an email,please check for that.I really appreciate for your help.By the way,my email is a lot.

    4. Hi
      I have been struggling with implementing you API with OpenCV. Any information regarding how to do this with C++ would be very helpful. The above mentioned website did not help very much sadly.

  8. Hi here
    I followed the instructions,but failed there
    pi@raspberrypi ~/picamdemo $ make
    -- Configuring done
    -- Generating done
    -- Build files have been written to: /home/pi/picamdemo
    Scanning dependencies of target picamdemo
    make[2]: Warning: File `picam.cpp' has modification time 2.2e+06 s in the future
    [ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/picam.cpp.o
    [ 50%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/camera.cpp.o
    [ 75%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/cameracontrol.cpp.o
    /home/pi/picamdemo/cameracontrol.cpp: In function ‘int raspicamcontrol_set_shutter_speed(MMAL_COMPONENT_T*, int)’:
    /home/pi/picamdemo/cameracontrol.cpp:550:78: error: ‘MMAL_PARAMETER_SHUTTER_SPEED’ was not declared in this scope
    make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/cameracontrol.cpp.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/all] Error 2

  9. Oh dear - I wonder if the latest userland has removed that MMAL parameter. I'll take a look tonight.

  10. Hi - apologies - I've been really busy lately and not been able to work on the api for a few days. I'll hopefully get back to it soon. You could probably fix it by commenting out the code in the function in cameracontrol.cpp, or even better comparing it to the latest code in the raspicameracontrol.cpp in the camera demos in userland. If not, I'll get to releasing the next version of the api next week hopefully.

  11. check if you have the latest version of the "interface library":

  12. Hi Cris,
    thank you for the great API. I have a Question:
    It is possible to make a Object for Qt4? Example a Containter for publish the video and gui elements on the same desktop?

  13. Chris, great looking API, that seems to accomplish most, if not all, of what I need, with a minimum of code. Awesome! While you're continuing to cleanup the API, can you tell me what components I need to link with my own app in order to utilize your API? I just need to get frames from the camera, so I can push them into an SDL_Surface, where I'll do all my display work in my current app. I'm guessting camera.cpp/h and cameracontrol.cpp/h? What about mmalincludes.h? Thanks.

  14. Hi there. If you look in the cmakelists.txt file you can see the include paths and libraries. You won't need the opencv libs included (in fact, they shouldn't be there anyway!), but you'll probably need the rest - include directories and linked libraries. In addition to the correct include paths (to userland) and libraries, you'll need camera.cpp/h, cameracontrol.cpp/h and mmalincludes.h.

  15. Thanks Chris. I ended up keeping all the opencv libs. I'll probably need a few of them before i'm done anyway. I got it to compile/link, and its working great. A couple of questions:

    1) I can capture 1920x1080, but the image is black. Lower resolutions work, fine. Higher resolution fail with an mmal error:
    mmal: mmal_vc_port_parameter_set: failed to set port parameter 64:0:ENOSYS
    mmal: Function not implemented
    Init camera output with 2592/1944
    Creating pool with 3 buffers of size 20238336
    mmal: mmal_vc_port_enable: failed to enable port ENOMEM
    mmal: mmal_port_enable: failed to enable port (ENOMEM)
    Failed to set video buffer callback
    Failed to initialize output 0
    Camera init failed

    ENOMEM tells me its running out of memory. How do I capture higher resolutions?

    2) is there any way to (or is there a distinction in) capturing video vs stills? My intent it to do facial detection (not recognition). I can do the detection on a lower res, but I would like to trim and store the highest resolution available. It seems from the Cam specs, I can go a bit higher resolution if I do stills vs video.

    3) how can I control the rest of the camera parameters? I see in cameracontrol.h the raspicamcontrol_set/get functions, but it's not clear where I get the requisite MMAL_COMPONENT_T *camera).

  16. Hi kyle.

    In answer to your first question, It probably would run out of memory at that resolution - mmal has a fair few buffers allocated internally, and the camera pi creates a tripple buffered layer, so when you start creating huge images that demand 20MB buffers, you run out pretty quick! If you want more you'll need to assign more memory to the gpu, which I beleive is possible to do using the raspi config tool, although I've not tried it. I'm also not convinced it'd work at all though, as the api uses the video port of the camera component which I think is limited to 1080p. The performance costs of copying that amount of data around and analysing it would set you down to a very poor frame rate anyway.

    On the second question, I've not tried it, but I am aware there's a stills port on the mmal camera component which may be usable at the same time as the video port (which the camera api hooks up to). I've not written any code to do it though.

    For your third question, I haven't hooked any of them up nicely but it should be easy to do. You will need to add some functions to the CCamera class that call those set/get functions by passing the CameraComponent member of CCamera.

    1. Thanks Chris. I got my answers. The key being that your API is using the "video" modes, which, yes, I believe is limited to 1080p. I guess I need to look into extending your API to support the stills mode. I think this is how raspistill works-- preview is done in video mode, but just before it records the output image, it jumps to 'still' mode. The give-away is that the image composition of the final output image is wider than the preview, because its using more pixels on the sensor. Though thinking that through, it won't matter then-- if I'm "previewing" at 1280x720, and then jump to 2880x1800 (or whatever), the "subject matter" will still be in the central 1280x720 region, since the video/preview API is cropping the sensor, as opposed to sampling the entire sensor area and scaling down to 1280x720.

      CCamera::CameraComponent is perfect. Thanks!

  17. Hi Cris,
    thank you for your response, it is not verry helpful.

    1. And that kind of passive aggressive demand is rather rude. As it happens, I have been thinking over your request. I am working on a version 2 of the api which will provide OpenGL textures, and I believe qt has support for drawing them. In future though, I would request that you avoid further requests for support until you can be more polite and patient.

  18. Very nice work. Saved me a lot of time. Actually I dug already into the MMAL API using raspistill as an example. The lack of documentation is just frustrating. So this little library is exactly what I need.

  19. Hi Chris,
    When do you think you'll finish the updated version of this API? In the mean time, I suppose that I'll just follow the instructions in the above comments to get this to work with OpenCV.

    1. Hi. Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I've been a bit delayed due to holidays and work so haven't had much time to work on the api. I am going to attack it in the coming months but I can't really give any guaruntees as I never know when I'll have some free time.

  20. When trying to build picademo I get this

    pi@raspberrypi ~/David/picamdemo $ cmake .
    CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:4 (find_package):
    By not providing "FindOpenCV.cmake" in CMAKE_MODULE_PATH this project has
    asked CMake to find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV", but
    CMake did not find one.

    Could not find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV" with any
    of the following names:


    Add the installation prefix of "OpenCV" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
    "OpenCV_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files. If "OpenCV"
    provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

    -- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

    Any ideas?


    1. Hi there. You should be able to remove the opencv module from the build - its not needed. Alternatively a quick search online should show you how to download the opencv libraries for the raspberry pi. The latest version isn't available, but the one before it is.

  21. There seems to be a failure at the point where I'm supposed to download The file doesn't seem to be on github any more. Do you have updated instructions? Alternate locations to get the file from? Thanks.

  22. Nevermind - I don't use github that often and the link to the zip is not very obvious. The biggest section of the page is dedicated to downloading and browsing individual files and the zip download button is partially hidden off the right of the page. I'd recommend changing the above link to point directly to the zip download instead of the project page - or maybe it's just me ;-)

  23. Hi Chris, I was wondering if you could spare a minute to look at what I think is a basic issue I'm having with your API... My source code and explanation of the problem is here:

    Thanks muchly!

  24. Hi. Thanks for the awesome api !
    One question though,
    Why cant I change the resolution to 640*480 for example ?
    Are there any rules regarding the image resolution ?

    1. There are a few restrictions on the resolution the camera supports, but I beleive there's also a bug somewhere in my code with the conversion to rgb. It makes certain assumptions about the layout of the YUV buffer, which aren't correct for every resolution. I later found out that each block of the YUV data is 16 byte aligned, but my code didn't account for that which meant that certain resolutions (ones that didn't result in YUV blocks of multiples of 16 bytes) didn't convert properly. In theory it should be entirely possible though.

  25. Thanks for the demo. Very nicely done.
    However, I cannot use this code in a real time frame analysis-control project.
    MMAL is too big and the C++ code is too cryptic.
    You seem to be a good programmer. Did you find the routines to directly control the camera?

    1. I did dig into the OpenMAx library, which is as close as you can get without having access to the none disclosure agreements and drivers that the pi team have. My experience is that mmal is there to make it easier for you though - it hides a lot of the complexities of OpenMax. Obviously mmal is still pretty advanced, which is why I decided to write my wrapper to make it a bit easier.

  26. Hi there

    Using the routines directly to control the camera would effectively be going direct to OMX, which is far more complex and hairy than using mmal (that's exactly why the pi team used mmal for it). The purpose of my code is to provide you access to that mmal library without having to worry about the innards.

    So simple answer, mmal is the simplest way to control the camera, and using my api should be very easy to use. There's no simpler way to do it unfortunately - real time camera processing just isn't a simple job, though I've tried to make it as simple as possible with my api!


  27. Does this API has any license ?

    1. Just the license to use it for whatever you like, in any way you like! I don't take any responsibility for any issues you hit etc etc, so if it inadvertently sets off a nuclear explosion or something it's your problem, but other than that, use it for whatever you like. It's nice to be credited if you feel I should be, but that's entirely your call :)

  28. Hi I'm getting the same error as the user below, and his problem was userland should have been userland-master. I am using userland-master but get the same error? Any suggestions?

    JBeale31 October 2013 00:42
    Followed instructions, but the make failed as follows:

    [ 25%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/picam.cpp.o
    In file included from /opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/vcos_assert.h:149:0,
    from /opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/vcos.h:114,
    from /opt/vc/include/interface/vmcs_host/vc_dispmanx.h:33,
    from /opt/vc/include/bcm_host.h:46,
    from /home/pi/picamdemo/mmalincludes.h:9,
    from /home/pi/picamdemo/camera.h:3,
    from /home/pi/picamdemo/picam.cpp:3:
    /opt/vc/include/interface/vcos/vcos_types.h:38:33: fatal error: vcos_platform_types.h: No such file or directory
    compilation terminated.
    make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/picam.cpp.o] Error 1
    make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/picamdemo.dir/all] Error 2
    make: *** [all] Error 2


    JBeale31 October 2013 05:38
    Nevermind- problem was my /opt/vc/userland should have been named /opt/vc/userland-master.

    1. Very sorry but I can't off the top of my head think of why that'd happen. Presumably something about your directory structure is different from mine and thus it can't find the file. I'd start by starting again, and following each step very carefully. If the userland master code is extracted and built at the right place it should work fine.

  29. Hey Chris, how hard would it be to switch raspistill to use the video port for the process signal capture mode? Any hint?

    1. Hi eried - sorry for the slow reply. I suspect it wouldn't be too hard in theory, but would require a fair understanding of the mmal layer that raspistill is coded in.

  30. Hi
    Is there a possibility to create a raw make file of camera API (without graphics).


    1. Hi Dominik. Sorry for the slow reply. The camera api itself should be entirely independent of graphics - I just use it for displaying textures. If you replace my main.cpp with your own, and don't include graphics.cpp/h you should find you can remove all use of opengl.

  31. Hi,

    I have a problem. I am using StartCamera, and then ReadFrame and it returns 0 to me so no bytes where copied. Is there someone that got same problem, and solved it ?


    1. I think I encountere the same problem, I installed the library successfully and the sample program gives no errors. But as I try my own Program, this Line (myCamera->ReadFrame(0,buffer,sizeof(buffer));) returns 0, no matter what. I got to the conclusion, that this line (mmal_queue_get(OutputQueue)) in camera.cpp has to return a nullptr. I really don't know, why this returns a buffer in the provided example, but not when I use it! I initialized the Camera and I dont find a place, where I did something wrong.
      I know, this blog was posted 5 years ago, but do you have any clues or common errors, why I cant read a frame.

    2. I dont want to span, but i think, i found a solution. You have to wait for some time, before/ between camera reads. This might sound obviious, as you specified a framerate at initialisation. So the code has to look something like this:
      int err = 0;
      while (!error)
      err = cam->ReadFrame(0,buffer,sizeof(buffer);
      usleep(33333); // 1/30 -> Time betweeen frames


  32. Hey Cris,

    thanks for your post, great explanation, but i need help in something, i see that you have your raspicam inverted, and im trying to figure out how to invert the image so i dont have to use it upside-down, do you think you can tell me where i can change that? thanks

    1. Hi Diego. I don't think the images that come out of the camera aren't actually inverted - I just invert them when rendering opengl so they appear the right way up! If however you did want to invert them, it'd be a case of getting the pitch of a row of pixels (the width * 4 bytes for argb) then iterating over each row, just flipping the top ones for the bottom ones.

  33. Thank you for this API Chris, it really is quiet helpful. I've read that you were planning to update this API to make it better and faster, is that something you still have in mind? Anyhow I appreciate all the effort you put into this API it has helped me a lot, take all the time you need if you're going to update this API, thank you once again for the effort you put into this!

    1. Hi Linus - glad to help :)

      I'm not working on it right now, as my real job is taking up lots of time - I wrote this one on my holidays, so might well add to it next time I'm off work! I do however intend to get it up onto github as an opensource project, so hopefull others can improve it without a dependency on my holiday allowance :)


  34. Hi Chris,
    Thanks for sharing this extremely useful piece of software !
    I have a question regarding resolution : If I'm correct, ReadFrame will return raw data taken from the camera without compression, right ? pixels in the buffer will correspond to physical pixels, encoded either in YUV 420 or ARGB depending on the boolean flag in ReadFrame. If we specify a lower than max resolution while creating the CCamera object, does the image gets cropped, or is there a kind of mapping from max to specified resolution ?
    Can you please share you understanding of these questions ?
    Then, can you give me a hint on how to proceed to make a compressed image (jpeg ?) from a frame obtained with ReadFrame, since I want to send still images taken at intervals with the Raspberry cam on the network, without taking too much bandwith (uncompressed image is easily a few Megs ...)
    Thanks a lot

    1. Hi Oliver

      Yes you're correct - ReadFrame returns uncompressed data from the camera, and depending on the bool you pass in, it'll either be in YUV420 (which is what naturally comes from the camera system internally) or get preconverted to RGBA.

      The resolution you specify on initialisation is passed to the mmal camera layer to tell the camera at what resolution to record in, so it is effectively being downsampled, not cropped. The camera doesn't work with absolutely any resolution though, so you might have to experiment a bit.

      For the compressed image, you'd need to take the RGBA data and use an image compression library to do it. If you look at my next blog on gpu accelerated camera processing you'll see it contains a small png file encoder which gets used in GfxTexture::Save. There's lots of libraries available to do png/jpg conversions, but this one's definitely the smallest and simplest I've managed to find - just 1 source file you include in your project.


    2. Hello Chris,

      Thanks a lot for the very fast answer.

      Following your hints I could succesfully compress my image in jpeg.

      I want now to make calculation on the image buffer returned by ReadFrame, in order to calculate the average intensity in a given rectangle in the image. for this, I need to access the pixel values from the buffer. I use a 1920x1080 image size. Can you indicate where to look to find how the data is organized in the buffer. Is there a header with image information and is the data aligned to some block size ?
      I can make use either of the YUV format or the RGBA format.

      Best regards


  35. HI Chris,

    Thanks so much for putting this code together. Helped me a lot to break the ice on all of this.

    Just to let you know, I modified your code to do a quick bench test of some OpenCV color thresholding I'm developing for a robotics application. I wanted to see what kind of frame rates I could get from the Pi.

    I have the test code up on GitHub:

    One of the changes I made that might be of interest was removing the userland-master dependency.

    Again, thanks for the help.

    All the best,

    1. Hi Tom,
      I'm curious on what frame rate you achieved with your test.

    2. I got 17-12 fps on a Pi2 with the defaults using the github code.

      Any insights as to why the video is inverted compared to rapsivid and raspisill captures?

    3. should be 17 -20 fps, looked right when I clicked publish :(

    4. Running the code on my Pi, which is over clocked at 900Mhz, I get the following results:

      IMAGE SIZE 160×160 320×320 640×640
      no image processing 40 fps 30 fps 15 fps
      image processing 20 fps 10 fps 3 fps

  36. Hi Chris,
    thx a lot for this API! Great code!
    I have a question for you, when I use bool do_argb_conversion = false then the display of the image is wrong. I get a rectangular section at the bottom of the screen and the image is repeated 4 times. Any idea how I can get it to display correctly?

  37. Hello,

    First of all, good work. But i encountered a strange problem: regardless how i set the resolution, the image quality remains the same:



    Hardware: Raspberry PI 2, NoIr camera. Works perfectly fine with raspistill.......

    Any Ideas?

  38. Hi Chris! this looks great, but i was trying to download the code at the link in the post and its no logger available, could you please upload it again? thanks in advance! regards!

  39. BROKEN Link! Hey guys, really sorry but I just noticed that link has broken (my domain expired while I Iwan on holiday!). I'll try and get it fixed soon. In the meantime there's a more recent blog post showing where a friendly chap uploaded it to github.

    Sorry for the inconvenience and thx for trying picam.

    - chris

  40. Im getting a error when running picamdemo. Can you help me?

    picamdemo: /root/picamdemo/graphics.cpp:194: bool GfxShader::LoadVertexShader(const char*): Assertion `f' failed.

    1. My compiler version is (Debian 4.6.3-14+rpi1) 4.6.3.. I realize that problem is with assert() command in LoadVertexShader(). Is this a problem with compiler?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I get the same error like this, can you tell me know if it fix!!!!!

      many thanks

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. Hi Chris,
    thank you for your work. The example works like a charm and I could easily integrate your API in my project.

    I want to set exposure, white balance, ISO, etc. manually so the image does not change when the lighting conditions change. Woh is that possible with your API?

  43. hi... chris please help me out!!
    how do we increase the fps??

  44. What is the purpose of resizer component? Can I warp image using resizer? Can it take transform matrix? Bit new at this..

  45. Hi Chris,
    I have installed the library with no issues.
    But I can't read image.
    My code is as below

    CCamera* cam = StartCamera(640, 480,60,1,true);
    char mybuffer[640 * 480 * 4];
    int ret = cam->ReadFrame(0, mybuffer, sizeof(mybuffer));
    cout << " ret " << ret << endl;
    Mat img(480, 640, CV_8UC4,mybuffer);
    imwrite("img.jpg", img);
    What could be wrong?
    Is it possible to have 60Hz fps using the library?
    How to change to Gray image from RGB after reading the image?

    Your library is very useful and thanks for sharing.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  46. Is this still active? I'm tired of using the slow raspicam API for C++

  47. I am trying to view the frames grabbed by this library from the camera but on a remote machine running Ubuntu. Is there an easy to use library such as the one provided here just to set the pixels directly since I am not experienced with openGL?

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